Monday, December 31, 2007
Here's to a Fresh Start
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Swedish Tea Ring--a Christmas Classic
But I just had to post the following for posterity.
It is our family Christmas morning tradition and I wanted to document step-by-step as I learned from The mother-in-law.
If my husband were to choose his favorite home-cooked, nostalgic Christmas would be Swedish Tea Ring.
Don't worry...there is no tea in it. Also, I asked my friend from Sweden if she ever made it and she said the recipe was much too sweet to be officially Swedish. But we Americans can pretend. It is delicious.
Here's how to do it:
Sprinkle with brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts, raisins or chocolate chips.
Our family likes a lot of chocolate chips!
Using clean scissors, make slices approximately 1 1/2 inches apart, but only about three-quarters of the way toward the center of the ring.
Serve Christmas morning with scrambled eggs or breakfast casserole.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Lists
- eggnog
- fudge
- Celine Dion Christmas album
- giftwrap, tags, boxes, bows
- ham
- children laughing, people passing
- laundry
- Christmas trees & decor
List #2
- my blogswap package from Heidiram...I LOVE cinnamon bears!
- books
- perfume
- giftcards
- household gadgets
- The Ultimate Gift--my own laptop!!! (aka: the gabtop)
- remote control noisy train
- electronic whoopie cushion (aka: the "stinky 'chine")
- Mexican train game noisemaker
List #4
- Jakii
- Emii
- Sammii
- Lukii
- Mommii
List #5
All women and children under age four
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
My Holiday Read

Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Mrs. Claus

While Santa gets the glory for all the big-ticket items, Mrs. C. sometimes feels picked on. Does anyone notice she has a big ole stingin' paper cut right between her thumb and index finger? Christmas card casualty. Does anyone care that all the teachers/coaches/bus drivers/neighbors have been remembered? With big jaunty bows and matching gift tags! Does anyone realize that all this Christmas magic has been generated by the Claus without the whiskers?! Ho Ho No.
This post is dedicated to all you Mrs. Claus-types out there. You, the unpaid masses, laboring in kitchens and classroom parties and dollar stores everywhere. You, who do your regular-every-day stuff and then tuck your children into bed so you can start in on the "holiday shift". You, who realize that Christmas is actually another full time job from Thanksgiving til New Year's Day. (Which, unfortunately happen to also be the shortest days of the year!) I salute you all.
Yes, Virginia. There is a Santa Claus. But there is also a Mrs. Claus. And tonight she's very tired...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
More Sweet Revenge
When I'm not blogging, talking on my cell phone or listening to my iPod, I like to pretend I am a pioneer mother. I used to want to be Mary or Laura Ingalls...but now, I just wanna be "Ma." Wasn't she the BEST?
That's why I love cooking things from scratch. It feels so wholesome and old-fashioned and my kids are all around and we're making a big mess and listening to Christmas carols and planning who we're going to share our goodies with.
If you are not yet going completely Christmas crazy, I recommend making something homemade and old-fashioned.
This is not the easiest caramel recipe in the world...but the results are so delicious. It is definitely a once-a-year treat! Enjoy...
Perfect Caramels
2 cups light Karo syrup
2 cups sugar
3 cups whipping cream--scalded in microwave
1 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. vanilla
1/2 can Eagle Brand milk--scalded in microwave
1 cup chopped walnuts (I never add these)
Boil syrup and sugar until the mixture begins to change color. Stir constantly. (I usually cheat on this part...not stirring constantly, but keeping on medium low heat and checking a lot!) Add whipping cream gradually. Keep boiling rapidly. Add Eagle milk a little at a time. Boil to a medium hard ball stage or 230 degrees. (This will take about 17-25 minutes.) Add salt, nuts and vanilla before removing from heat. Pour into a shallow buttered pan. Cool and cut into 1 inch squares, wrap in wax paper or cellophane.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
You Can Take the Teacher Out of the Classroom...
For some reason, I thought being a good teacher meant I would be a good mom. But I found out very quickly that it is much easier to control a classroom full of sixth graders than one colicky infant.
I think teaching is easier because you are only with the children 8 hours during the day, with breaks at lunch and recess. The students come with their clothes on, shoes tied, teeth brushed (sometimes) and all other basic needs met. Plus, you don't have to live with them.
I wouldn't trade being a mom for a classroom full of the best-behaved students in the world. But sometimes, I like to pretend I am still the professional educator and that my children are my willing and eager pupils.
Here is our holiday/geography project:
Thanks to all of you who have sent cards and are helping my kids find the states on the US map as well as learning the correct postal abbreviations! We have received 30 cards so far, from ten different states as well as Vietnam and Canada. Arizona is winning in the "most cards" contest...probably thanks to Nana and Papa who sent an individual card to each family member. Utah and Pennsylvania are tied for second place.
Results will be posted before the New Year. Stay tuned...
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Life is Like a Cookie Swap
You show up with your little plate of goodies, feeling like you've brought something special...
until you see what everyone else has made. And, suddenly, your offering doesn't seem so wonderful. You wish you had something prettier or more delicious to share...
but then you wander around and everyone shares what they've brought. You offer your treats freely and sample a little of everyone else's specialties. You're glad that everybody has brought something unique to the table...
...and you leave with a lot more than you brought!
Thanks, Helena...this is one of my favorite traditions!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Reindeer Bling
Oatmeal and glitter make a quick and easy Christmas Eve tradition. Mix together and sprinkle on the lawn. The sparkles help Santa find your house and the oats are a power-snack for his hardworking reindeer!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Missing Peace
Knowing that everything I buy will soon end up in here.
Why am I making and eating so many of these?
Knowing that soon they will haunt me here.
Why am I getting my kids so many of these?

When my basement already looks like this?
Why does December feel so much like this?
When it's supposed to just be about this.
Why does Christmas turn me into this?
When I just want to be like this all the time.
Today I tried to get off the holiday merry-go-round and find some of the peace I've been missing. Here is a list of the things I did that helped me feel a little better.
(Note to self: reread and repeat...often!)
To find the missing peace:
- Clean off desk, combine all to-do lists into one master list.
- Re-evaluate and eliminate some of the to-do's.
- Combine and simplify the have-to-do's.
- Exercise outside in the "sunshine" and fresh air.
- Feed spirit and body with real nourishment.
- Wear a red hoodie and comfortable shoes.
- Throw at least 15 things away.
- Eat a chocolate mint truffle.
- Read aloud to children.
- Talk to a loved one on the phone.
- Write a thank you note.
- Do a secret Santa service.
- Complete a dreaded task while watching a Christmas movie.
- Blog.
- Ahhhhhhhhhhh....peace at last!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Joy to the World
Old Lady Puberty had not yet arrived with her bagful of dirty tricks. My skin was still clear, my body uncomplicated. I had a growing collection of Bonne Bell Lipsmackers, a Shaun Cassidy album, and a few fourth-grade boyfriends. (Not that we ever touched or spoke or even made eye contact, but whenever I passed them notes that said, DO YOU LIKE ME?...they always checked the "yes" box.)
Life was sweet and simple. Until one December morning when it got even better...
Remember that song we all used to sing "Joy to the world, the school burned down and all the teachers died" ? Well, back in 1979, for a few lucky Salt Lake City elementary students, fantasy became reality. Sort of.
I mean, no one died. And nothing burned. But the pipes did burst and the building did flood. AND SCHOOL WAS CANCELLED FOR THE WHOLE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS VACATION! Joy to the World!
Those of us who had been doubting the existence of Santa Claus were true believers now.
(I must confess that as I write this gleeful memory, my mother-heart now aches empathetically for the unfortunate moms of these lucky elementary students. Especially my own angel Momma. She had six kids under ten years of age, including my newborn baby brother. Only two of us were in school all day, with one half-day kindergartener. I am sure an extra school-free week was not her idea of a fun Christmas surprise.
All I can say is... Sorry Mom. I think you are a much stronger person for having endured this trial. And I just know up in heaven there is a great big Swiss chalet with your name tole-painted upon it!)
Luckily, at the time, I was a typically self-centered child and could not see anything but holly-jolly happiness in my immediate future. There were snowhills (sledding!), errands (shopping!) and Christmas goodies (eating!) as far as the eye could see.
It was a glorious Christmas miracle.
In fact, the only grey cloud in that wonderful week was missing our school choir performance on the Singing Christmas Tree at the Cottonwood Mall. As a serious musician (and shopper-in-training!), I had looked forward to this all season long. Since we were not able to practice at school, the show could not go on... least that is what my parents told me. Later Mom confessed that the show HAD indeed gone on. Without me. She just had somehow not been able to drag all her half-dozen children to the crowded mall to watch me sing "Silver Bells" in two-part harmony.
I was crushed at the time. But my wise mother offered me comfort in a way that changed the course of my life forever. She let me make my own batch of chocolate chip cookies! By myself! (To this day, whenever something bad happens, I can be found drowning my sorrows in cookie dough. Thanks, Mom!)
Even with such a great disappointment to overcome, I managed to enjoy myself snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun. Santa came on the 25th and left a pair of real wood-soled clogs, which were the height of Salt Lake fourth-grade fashion at the time, and the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.
But that week off school was the best Christmas gift a nine-year-old could hope for!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Weekend Update
Jake and Emily started basketball this week. In a strange twist of events, Jake's coach was "escorted" off the court by police officers...exciting! Em is only one of a few girls on her team and scored several buckets. Go Squeege! Brad and I attended three Christmas parties on Friday night. One at the home of the Stake President (church leader), one at a country club for Brad's work and one across the cul-de-sac for the annual neighborhood bash.
Needless to say, it was an evening of contrasts. One party consisted of people wearing cheery Christmas sweaters, drinking ice water and discussing Mitt Romney's speech. Another was like the Market Research Academy Awards with people wearing as little as possible and drinking heavily. And the third was somewhere in between the two extremes.
My camera battery seems to be completely I didn't get any shots of the two of us in our holiday finery. But this shot from a few years back is pretty close...