When my friend handed me this book, I did not want to read it. Another celebrity who has kids and then thinks she can write a parenting book....that's what I thought. Luckily I cracked the cover anyway, and found myself loving every page.
I Am a Mother by Jane Clayson Johnson (former anchor of The Morning Show on CBS) is personal, uplifting, fascinating and speaks to SO many of the issues facing women and mothers in this day and age. Definitely not a parenting book, it is the story of Jane's journey to motherhood and filled with uplifting cheer for good moms everywhere!
Thanks for the book review. I actually just read an article about her in the BYU alumni magazine and thought it was intereting but like you would never have thought to read her book. I just may have to check it out. I am halfway through Eclipse so when I'm done with that I'll need a good read.
Promise it won't make me feel inferior? What are the chances they'll have it at the library?
I had the same attitude when I saw it being advertised. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll add it to my long list.
i read an article in the byu alumni magazine about this book and her life and choices! she really sounds like a down to earth person with good priorities!
i read an article in the byu alumni magazine about this book and her life and choices! she really sounds like a down to earth person with good priorities!
Me & Min went to hear her speak. She is my favorite! She's got such a great story, I'm sure the book will be awesome! Hey I'm looking for more bookclub reads. You got anything?
I tried to get this book at the bookstore today. They told me I had to order it online. Should I do it? I will if you tell me to.
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