Friday, August 31, 2007
I Adore This Book!

Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Problem with Having Twin 3-year-old Boys...

Of course, they are cute and adorable and say funny stuff sometimes, like "Potty-train? Me don't ride no potty train!" (Which is true, unfortunately...) They also give the sweetest smiles and their hugs are delicious.
But, anyone who has lived with any three-year-old recognizes that they are all bi-polar.
I mean, one minute they are all hugs and giggles and the next minute, they are screaming because you did something abusive to them...such as cutting their sandwich into squares instead of triangles. Or failing to fill their juice cup to that mysterious "just right" spot which is .0000000001 inch between "way-too-much-I'm-sure-to-spill" and "not-enough-at-all-do-you-think-I'm-still-a-baby?"!
Every three-year-old has a split personality. Half delightful love muffin. Half rabid maniac.
So, you do the math. One 1/2 crazy three-year-old + another 1/2 crazy three-year-old=one very crazy mom.
And, the thing is...they TAKE TURNS. I know Mr. Rogers taught us all to take turns, but in this case, it's a bad thing. If they both just timed their I-don't-want-you-to-get-my-shoes-on-for-me-but-I-cannot-do-the-velcro-myself meltdown at the same moment, it would be done in ten minutes. But, since they TAKE TURNS, one little incident takes over the entire morning, makes us late for gymnastics and ruins Mom's hair and makeup.
I tell ya...these guys are killing me!
Happy Tails
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
I Hope It's Not Your Coccyx!
In one crazy scene, madcap Barb is rushing around O'Neal's character asking if he is hurt and which bones are broken. To quote: "Do you think you broke your coccyx? I hope it's not your coccyx!"
Can you name the movie? Check your answer here....by the way, I think it is a great flick and would be a fun Labor Day weekend repeat.
Well, I always wanted to have something in common with Ms. Streisand...and now I do. Someone I love has broken his coccyx!
If you missed my cutie pie's spill on the hills last spring, you may not realize that he has been in mountain-bike-rehab all summer long. Fortunately, most of his body is back to its everyday studliness...but his tailbone is out of whack.
Tomorrow he goes under the knife for a little coccyx-removal and won't be able to sit down for awhile. Please keep him in your prayers (and say an extra one for me)!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Great Outdoors

Friday, August 24, 2007
It Was Down Hill the Rest of the Way

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Courtship of a Bookworm

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Permgirl Meets Mr. Smooth

After a busy summer, Permgirl was back for her sophomore year. Apartment living proved to be a lot more exciting than dorm life after all. Grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning--it felt a little like playing house with her cool roommates. There were all the usual back-to-school events, football games and dances. Her new friends were really fun and social, so she tagged along, too.
One of her roommates already knew a whole gang of cute guys who lived across the street. Really, they were MEN because they were each at least 21 years old, some had cars and all had recently returned home from church missions. The truth is they were WAY out of this girl's league, and, besides, they all seemed to be more interested in her much hotter roommates.
That was ok... Miss Bookworm was not looking for romance. She was a SERIOUS student. After all, she had decided to get her teaching degree and had to make the grades for her Elementary Ed. program. This involved raising her own swarm of fruit flies for Education Biology, writing epic papers for History of Civilization II, and logging hours of exercise in Fitness for Life.
Between her full-time studies and the part-time nursery school job, there was still a little time for fun. She got set up on a few dates and went bowling, dancing, to midnight movies and out for cheap Mexican food. At this point, one or more of "the guys" from across the street were a permament fixture at her apartment. They enjoyed coming over to watch the girls' tv, eat their food and use the clean bathroom facilities.
Each of the guys had unique attractive qualities. There was the brain, the jock, the clown, the quiet one, the sensitive soul and then there was MR. SMOOTH.
Mr. Smooth seemed to be the type who is just a little too sure of himself, a bit cocky, kind of overconfident. Sure, he was good-looking, smart, funny and had his own car. Sure, he did well in his classes, worked at a parttime job, played basketball on the weekends, taught Sunday School and spoke Spanish fluently. Sure, he had a long line of cute coeds baking him cookies, buying him Hard Rock Cafe t-shirts, asking him to girls' choice dances and throwing him birthday parties (three months premature...but that's another story).
Yes. Mr. Smooth definitely had a big group of admirers.
Permgirl, however, was not among them...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Love & Marriage

Thursday, August 16, 2007
True Lies
After graduation, Gab set out to make the world a better place. She started by teaching youngsters to read and write and supported her new husband in his budding career. The newlyweds enjoyed an 8 year honeymoon--seeing the world and investing in real estate. Spreading their wings and landing in a new home back East, the happy lovebirds feathered their luxurious nest and soon welcomed four baby birdies into their world.
Almost 9 years later, the little nest has become a buzzing hive as the four busy bees have developed talents and interests of their own! Soccer, swimteam, gymnastics, piano, Cubscouts, horseback riding, dance classes, and church activities provide opportunities for fun and friendship.
Gab uses her education background to provide wholesome, homemade memories for her family. She enjoys preparing healthy meals, attending parent-teacher conferences and receiving long-distance phone calls from her husband.
After graduation, Gab took the first teaching job she could get. Her co-teacher hated all young professionals--especially those who wore makeup/were married and/or did not know every single line of "The Hobbit" by heart. Gab cried almost every day, until she was transferred to a different school.
When she was not crying about her job, Gab was crying at her fertility...or lack thereof. She spent most of her free time, money and husband's patience obsessing about dye-tests, basal body temperatures and the unfairness of the universe.
Many years, dollars and intra-muscular injections later, Gab did indeed become mother to four amazing kids. The fact that each child is a miracle has been quite helpful in keeping them each alive as they have: barbered their own hair, ruined 3 car stereos, broken family heirlooms and flushed semi-precious jewelry down the toilet.
Gab has come to grips with the reality that she will never: wear a size 2, finish her children's scrapbooks, be happy with her husband's travel schedule, have all three levels of the house clean at once, or enjoy stitchery.
This year, Gab's greatest accomplishments have been starting a blog and potty-training her three-year-old twins! (Well, one twin anyway...)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
You Know It's Been a Good Vacation When You Come Home Completely Exhausted!
A Book to Sink Your Teeth Into...

This book was recommended to me by three separate people in one weekend! I figured I had to get it and I am hooked. A story about a high school girl falling in love with a vampire doesn't fall within my usual genre...but it is so well written! The book is the first in a series and is going to be made into a movie and was written by a BYU grad. In fact, I like it so much...I have to quit writing and go READ!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
An Advanced Apology to the Passengers on Flight #504
I would just like to state, for the record, that when I am travelling alone, I am a sane, quiet woman. My luggage is neatly stowed, my drink does not spill, my volume is low. I read my book or make pleasant small talk. I am even willing to switch seats for your comfort and convenience. I am your ideal flight companion.
However, when I am flying my family of six cross-country, all bets are off.
In my 8.5 years of parenting, I have taken many flights with children. Very few of them have gone smoothly. In fact, most have been quite turbulent.
There has been throwing up, diaper malfunctions, earaches, seat kicking, colic, fistfights, temper tantrums and, on one memorable occasion, an 18-month-old in a spica cast who screamed the entire 4 1/2 hour flight.
On our most recent family jaunt last fall, one of my two-year-olds threw up all over himself and me. We had packed "light" and had no extra clothes onboard. "Luckily" for us, we had a layover in Cincinnati and were fortunate to find what we thought was a onesie in the "bargain" section of the airport gift shop. He perked up immediately, but looked slightly ridiculous wearing a girl's leotard in 35-degree weather.
By the time we reached our hometown, shoved our 48 pieces of luggage and the carseats and stroller and cranky kids into the car and drove home, we were exhausted. We couldn't wait to get everyone in bed, grab a cold drink from the fridge and relax.
However, the minute we opened the back door, we realized this was not going to be a night for relaxing. Our fridge had died the day we left and after seven days was now full of rotten cheese, stinky meat and rancid butter. The long night got longer and our love for family travel sank to record lows.
So, tomorrow's flight will be our first chance to try again. I am hoping it goes smoothly. I have spent several days (and at least $200) filling my kids' backpacks with toys, snacks, games and books they will enjoy. I am happy to pay for your beverage or rent you some earphones for the in-flight entertainment.
I have seen the latest trend in traveling with children...and it scares me to death.
So, please fasten your seatbelts, look out your window, try to be tolerant and just be thankful you're not in my seat!
Thank you and have a nice flight.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Right Now I'm Reading...

Princess Academy by Shannon Hale. It was recommended by Amy, my cute sister, who knows all about princesses...raising three of her own right now.
I kind of avoided this book at first because it sounded Disney-ish...but it's not at all. Although written for "young adults", it is a very well-crafted story about a mountain girl being educated to marry a prince and using her wits to save the day!