Jumping from one family tree...

into another!
Pretty good yield, huh?
Traditionally, the 20th anniversary is the China Anniversary. You either buy yourself a new set of china or go on a trip to China. We chose instead to buy a leather sectional and have a spa weekend in Scottsdale. Tradition, be hanged.
I feel like I should write something sappy, but if you look through the archives, I've said it all before. All I can say is that I can't believe it's been 20 years. There are lots of things in life that have been hard for me, but marriage has not been one of them. I'm lucky.
**Current photo by Christie...wish she'd been around for the original shots. Early '90s wedding photography should be a federal crime.
Congratulations. 20 is nothing to be sneezed at, no matter how wonderful it is. That's quite an accomplishment, and you have a lot to show for it!
wow. 20? that's a lot!! congrats on such a remarkable accomplishment. (i'm referring here to the taming of your bangs).
20? seems like yesterday..
Love these photos! Congratulations!
You always make me laugh. Even LATE 90's wedding photography (and videography--mine's a doozy!) should be a Federal crime.
I love the pictures. You are so lucky to have a happy marriage. I would take a leather sectional over a trip to China any day.
Ah, that perfect tree. Tragic that you don't live down the street from it anymore. What I wouldn't give for a take two...
Congrats on 20 years! You guys are the best!
Sweet! I like how you celebrate!
what a beautiful sentiment about your marriage.
your family is beautiful.
congrats Gabi on 20 years. i does seem like yesterday! i remember the delicious crepes we had at your wedding! but i can't believe that all you sibs were that young! sounds like you had a great anniversary. spa days are the greatest!
Awww, Happy Anniversary, Gabi. As always, I love the way you wrote about it. How wonderful that marriage has not been hard for you. Lovely the way you stated that.
I agree 100%...my wedding photographer shoudl be behind bars.
Andrea's comment killed me. She is hilarious.
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