I have this really great Goodbye Pennsylvania post in my mind. Super sappy and sentimental. But, the thing is. I am way too tired to create right now. The kids are STILL in school (which shouldn't feel like work, but it does) and the movers arrive in two days and the washer will be disconnected soon, so it's my last crack at laundry.
I'm just too wrung out to be sentimental. Which is probably a good thing.
All I will say is that PA has been good to us. We arrived just two and we leave a busy six. Dreams have come true. Friendships have been treasured. Memories have been savored.
I am annoyed at how easy it is to disassemble a life. It took ages to hang all the pictures in just the right spots, but it only takes a minute to pull them down. I taught six weeks of summer school math to hyper fifth-graders so I could pay for that chair and sofa. Today they sit sagging on the curb. Sad.
Our friends have been so thoughtful. Parties, lunches out, special scrapbooks and beautiful gifts. It's embarrassing. It's wonderful. I can't think too much about any of it.
Moving is a test of family unity. Lots of opportunities to crack under pressure. I'm proud of us. So far, so good. A few heated discussions and several meltdowns. More to come, I'm sure. But we're hanging tight and I think we'll be stronger for it. After all, once we get to our new home, no one else will know about the Yardley Ice House or care about the Philly Phanatic. When we want to remember Inverness Drive, we'll have to rely on each other.
Am hoping to blog the journey west. Heaven (and WiFi) willing, of course. A cross-country drive is not something I plan to do very often. I think it's worth documenting.
But for now, there are suitcases and laundry piles and a whole bunch of thank you cards to write.
Goodbye, Beautiful Bucks County.
Oh, Gabi...this post got me right here, ya know? (I am tapping my heart...I figured I'd explain since you can't see me.)
Wow, you came as two and left as a busy six...that really is so much growth, on every imaginable level.
The part about the couches got me, too. It speaks volumes.
Safe travels, friend!
I know JUST what you mean. We've done it too many times ourselves. Give yourself a year and you'll feel the same way about AZ.
I'm so sad that you're leaving PA. I love it there. I am SO happy you lived there and I am SO happy we visited a few times. I think it's so great to see a new neck of the country. Thanks for being the scope through which I saw it through. You're life there is pretty awesome.
I will always think of PA as a most lovely and loving place. I've been so grateful to your awesome friends for seeing you through the huge ups and downs you've had. I'm totally nostalgic about Lahaska, the hot-air balloon, the duck pond and old library. You've lived in a story-book setting. But you wrote the story on your own, and that talent is going to AZ. I can't wait to meet your new life!!
Your trip will be a time out of time, between lives with just your very own characters. It will be a life-long memory for all of you. Have TONS of fun!!
Reading your blog is making me go through the moving process all over again! I keep crying whenever I read and missing everything back in PA terribly! I feel your pain sister. Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
I have been reading and watching the days go by. My heart is hurting for you (one of my dearest friends of 7 years is moving in two days) and I am also thrilled for your new adventure. I can't wait to follow your transition and watch you settle into new life in Arizona.
Eight years ago we made the move out here and we were given blessings, in them we were told "Heavenly Father has been preparing others for your move and you have been prepared for them." I realized then that every move in life, prayerfully made, will take us exactly where we are supposed be. It's like a mission call. You have probably already come to that conclusion but I thought I would still share...here's to fond farewells and exciting new adventures.
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