Monday, March 8, 2010

The Latest Word

The latest word for Sam is "soulful." Usually my happy-go-lucky nonstop talker, Sam was uncharacteristically quiet and reflective this weekend thanks, in part, to a nasty flu bug. We know Sammy is sick when he turns down food. I am grateful to report that he has recovered fully and is currently eating a string cheese.

Jake's latest word is "accomplished." Not only a great ice-skater and skiier, Jake earned his Arrow of Light at Scouts last week and started DARE at school. I've been told this will keep him off drugs. Jake is taller than me when he wears skates.

Em's "reflective." These days she has taken to writing free verse in her journal. Also, she is working on a piano composition. It is entitled Despair and she works on it daily. (This is 100% fact. Anyone with three brothers knows despair on a deeply personal level. )

Luke ="diverse." When he's not building blanket forts, riding his scooter or playing with his beloved stuffed cat, Rainbow, Luke is on the lookout for money-making opportunities. Today he gathered up his sister's old Barbies and Little Ponies ("She never plays with them anymore, Mom!") and took them to the park to sell. His strategy was simple: approach unsuspecting girls and ask them if they have any money. Luke's net gain was $0, but his technique was priceless.


cami said...

Glad Sam is feeling better.

Jake looks like a pro on the ice.

Em's little cap is adorable.

Glad that Luke's little stuffed cat isn't hiding under my furniture again. That was scary. It's all fun & games until someone loses their favorite animal!

Tristan said...

I totally want to make a blanket fort :)

Your kids are adorable!

Glad Sam is feeling better!

Diane said...

Your word: capture. You have captured an essence of your children.

the wrath of khandrea said...

i am dying that he tried to sell his sister's toys. i love him!!

Travelin'Oma said...

Your blog is authentic. The real deal. If you weren't already my daughter I'd want to adopt you.

Lauren in GA said...

Oh, my gosh Gabi, your kids are so fabulous!

We have the stomach flu, here. Amazing how hanging your head in a bucket can bring out the soulful.

I love that Em is writing and composing. You made me laugh how you explained why she is able to tap into the true meaning of despair.

Christie said...

Your kids are rock stars. Seriously my favorite kids ever.

Robin said...

I like this. This will be one of your kid's favorite posts years from now.

martha corinna said...

Trying to sell the barbies is some serious ingenuity.

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