Until yesterday, the Mormon getting the most press coverage was this guy...

and, although there is debate among my family and friends about Mitt's chances for the presidency,
there is NO debate about this man...

He led with dignity, humor and love.
Excellent. I agree with you on all counts.
HA! Love the mit tie in!
Both great men (one FOR SURE) the other I'm still deciding on, but he's probably gonna get my vote because he did so many great things with the SLC olympics. Yup. That's what I'm basing my vote on. I'm not political. At all.
That was brilliantly put. Thank You.
Well said!
I will miss President Hinckley so much!!!!!!!
OH, gabi, way to do the President Hinckley post the best.
what a great tribute. he really was such an incredible man! it's still hard to fathom that he is gone.
Love this tribute. Thanks.
Perfect. True. Fabulous.
you are consistantly brilliant.
Love this twist on this post....well said. I've seen President Hinckley posts on every blog (plan to do it on mine too sometime) but yours was clever (shouldn't surprise me).
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