Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shocked & Appalled

I am outraged by two things today and feel the need to post:

1. My third grader came home and let me know that a boy his age was taking pictures with his cell phone. At school. In the boys' lavatory.

Is this the new-tech version of giving someone a swirlie or throwing their backpack in the bathroom of the opposite gender? Because it seems much worse to me. I had not yet given the "If someone tries to take your photo in the bathroom" lecture...

2. My adorable little sister--who has the WORLD's BEST BLOG and puts it together in her "spare time" when she is not working two jobs, putting her husband through law school, babysitting, teaching Sunday school or creating crafty boutique offerings--has had some experience with plagiarism. People taking her online stuff and calling it their own. (To read more about this problem, click here.)

GRRRR! All I can say is watch out plagiarists...she now has a lawyer for a husband. Not to mention a very deadly oldest sister.


Holly said...

Oh my goodness! I would NOT be prepared for the cellphone situation either. Keep us posted!

Hollyween said...

I've heard about the cameras on cellphones and people abusing them in bathrooms, girls locker rooms etc. It's sad that we now have to warn our kids about being photographed indecently by another kid who'll post the indecent pics on the internet. It's happened.

About the copyright thing, SCARY and ANNOYING for your sister. What's she going to do? I read the other article with the little copyright symbol and the explanation of copyright laws. How's she going to get her work off of that site? And how did she find out about it? I'm sooo curious!

Annie said...

Grrr to both of these situations. Just grrr.

I'm glad your son told you about it, though. p.s. what's a third grader doing with a cell phone at all let alone at school???

marta said...

thanks gab! i know you've got my back! someone fortunately found the offending website, emailed it to me and i looked upon it with horror! a woman took my words and photos without any sort of mention of ME and added a whole bunch of ads and attempted to bring traffic to her site and make money from all the ads!

fortunately after a simple email, she took down the violating website. keep your eyes open and if you see anyone stealing a favorite blogger's stuff, immediately warn them via email so they can try to put a stop to it!

and good luck with the bathroom bizness.. the world is sometimes really scary! i wish we could live in blogapalooza land.. it's safe and friendly here!

Bridget said...

Ugh, that is so scary! Why do 9 year olds have cell phones anyway??? That is awful. Certainly not a problem we had to deal with growing up.

your poor sister. At least she's getting it worked out.

Lauren in GA said...

Both of those things are really scary.

I am so sorry.

Thank you for this post.

Christie said...

Both things make a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day. Stupid plagerists and stupid third graders. UGH.

Rochelleht said...

Wow, I'm going to go check out Marta's blog right now. And DOUBLE-WOW on the cell phone. What a world!!!

mama jo said...

you are such a great big sister...and the cell phone thing is so is too bad the dumb kids do things like that...

Anonymous said...

it's AMAZING the talks that you wouldn't think you have to have with your children these days! I've had to have some doozys. Pictures in the bathroom?!! wow. that one is scary, although no harm I'm sure was meant... this child has some issues that need to be discussed to think that taking pics like that is ok. Maybe parents thought it was ok as well. Poor baby.

martha corinna said...

The cell phone things is crazy. Someone once tried to take a picture of me in a public bathroom and when I confronted them they said it was because I looked like Alyssa Milano. Whatever.
You are a great older sister. People are so shocking. Why do people think that's OK?

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