I mean, really. My mom, 3 sisters, countless girlfriends and roommates all thought it fascinating. We could talk for hours about perms, cuts, colors, and products. Not to mention the endless quest for body, shine and hold. Which salon? Curling iron, flat iron, crimp iron? Highlights or low lights? Permanent or semi? How about a warm chocolate brown, streaked with chunky caramel pieces and a butterscotch glaze? So many delicious possibilities.
Whenever I ask "Hun, what should I DOOOOOO with this hair?", my better-half clicks the mute on ESPN and then says (usually without even glancing up!), "Babe, your hair always looks great, no matter how you do it!"
This is his PC way of telling me that he thinks my hair is an overwhelming, expensive project and that as long as it covers my head and doesn't frighten the neighbors, he wants to be left out of the whole situation.
OK...I am fine with that. Our marriage is strong. We don't have to share ALL the same interests.
And he is OK with the fact that I did not went to spend the better part of our evening poring over this last night...
Yep. Roofing shingles. He is getting a new roof for his birthday! Hooray!
And I will not let my feelings be hurt over the fact that he enjoyed the process of choosing between Shakerwood and Sierra Sunset much much more than he has ever enjoyed discussing "Gab's Hair: Bangs? Yes or No?"
But, he is from Mars and I am from Venus. And I secretly think the roof is just one big overwhelming, expensive project. And as long as it covers my head and doesn't frighten the neighbors, he can deliberate all he wants!
I think you've got great hair!
You are just too cute. Who would ever think of comparing the new roof process to our endless hair queries? Only our clever Gab.
Oh, and only a man would be okay with getting a new roof for their birthday.
You are so clever. I loved the comparison between hair and roofing. My only problem with this post came when I wanted to eat something chocolate with bits of chunky caramel and a delicious butterscotch glaze. Have mercy, I just started a diet, here!!! Of course, I can't scold you for your fantastic writing skills...you could have discussed turpentine and it would have made me hungry, also....
That was great. I get the same response from Nathan "you're hair always looks good......do whatever you want.....you don't need to tell me how much it costs, just do it...."
Glad to hear he can get his excitement from a new roof. Testosterone and estrogen.....very different.
Your roof will cover your head, but it won't be as cute as your HAIR! :)
This was a fun, fun read--and so very true. At least he clicks the mute button :) Usually when I return from getting my hair done I am ready to have a full on conversation about it (like Bette Midler In Beaches...you can talk about me) and he can only manage an, "I Like It." Sigh.
When we all get together in May at Womens' Conference, we can spend hours discussing hair!!! FUN!
And once again, you are one funny girl. I just enjoy the way your brain thinks!
if you ever want to talk hair... i'm your girl. i can go for hours, just ring me up any time!
Hair is the ultimate accessory. Platinum blonde, gold highlights, silver streaks. Even very rich guys don't get this. (I just saw Donald Trump on Dave Letterman. Two examples of men who probably have very nice roofs.)
Ask him if your hair should be the color of shakerwood OR sierra, and then you are speaking his language!
Like Holly, my husband doesn't press the mute button OR the pause button. He mostly grunts when it comes to my hair.
Ditto with my husband, no pause, no mute, just however you want it dear, looks great... without even pretending to glance in my direction... aww thanks honey, you do care. ha
Too funny! We just got a new roof and Greg kept saying, "Aren't you excited!? We got a new roof!" Umm... no!? Now my new floor? That's a housing project I can get behind.
Hair Schmair. I just made Greg cut an inch off the back of mine the other night. That's a first for our marriage. I just didn't want to pay $50 for a one inch trim. He did a great job.
It took me awhile to get over the fact that Dave and I had way different interests and he didn't care about things I really care about! Right now he is playing with a Rubixcube and I really don't care at all about those. This post is funny and true!
The day depends on how our hair looks. I guess the day depends on whether the roof crashes in or not..but the hair is still more important, the roof a major annoyance.
he-he-he. I LOVE hair. Once upon a time, when I was getting married, I asked my husband what color my hair should be for our wedding... He said "What color IS your hair anyways?"
Yes and have you EVER receieved a compliment on your hair???! Hmmm?
Hi, 2 days later, I was reviewing and realized my hilarious comment was not (and maybe even insulting) because it was supposed to say ROOF at the end, not hair! Lame. Of course you've had compliments on your hair, it's very cute. Please send everyone back down here to see my re-written comment:
"And has everyone ever complimented you on your ROOF? Hmmm?!"
Then I wrote everyone instead of anyone.
I'm hopeless.
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