Making something by hand, wrapping it all up, dragging your kids to the post office...these things are a hassle anytime. But to do all this work for a stranger, who lives cross country and who you've never even met?! That is a labor of love!
Mique has become one of my new blogbuddies. I am inspired by all she does and love to read about all her crafts and recipes. She has three beautiful kids, including one with special needs...so I don't have to meet her to know she is an angel!
She made the most adorable backpack tags for my kids (which have too much ID info to post...just trust me that they are extremely cute and fit the individual personalities of my kids to a tee) and wrapped them up with my favorite black licorice! What a great treat.
Thanks, Mique, you made my day!
How fun. I love her handwriting too! I did one of these swaps through Kelly. The person I was paired up with lived in Mississipi. Turns out she was roommates with my sister-in-law at BYU and had been trying for years to get in touch with her. Also, her sister-in-law served a mission with my husband AND her in-laws were in our ward in Boston. Small world!
what a lucky girl you are, and what sweetie that mique is!
Wow, that's super nice. I'm with Bridget: GREAT handwriting!
She is a keeper that Mique. I got to meet her through this blogosphere and found out that her sister lives in my old ward in SD and is serving in the YW presidency that I had been before we moved. The sister and I just crossed paths, literally. Isn't it such a small world? Love her!
Yeah for good mail! I was SO happy to do it for you. ;) And I hope your kiddos liked the tags.
What a fun post to read.
Seriously glad we could connect all these miles apart.
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