Sunday, September 9, 2007

Have you ever noticed...

  • that kids become their most adorable selves right when it's time to go to bed?
  • that brothers & sisters who've fought all day long, suddenly play cooperatively together when you have finally separated them to clean their individual bedrooms?
  • that children who are much too full for carrots, green beans and peas are starving if ice cream is mentioned?
  • that little ones who never seem to hear the rules as applied to them become family deputies, on the vigilant look-out to catch anyone else breaking them?
  • that everyone ignores Mom...until she sits down to blog?


Rochelleht said...

Oh Gab! You are so eloquent! So well put! Yes, I totally agree. I was thinking something very similar to that tonight when I put them to bed. The girls suddenly wanted a story and more mommy time. Just when I want mommy time myself! But who can deny those sweet faces?

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Um yes I've noticed.

Travelin'Oma said...

Another thing you'll notice: right when your kids start being really fun, funny and interesting to talk to, they go into their rooms for a few years. Then, as they emerge from that stage you realize they are your best friends,(in fact they're the only friends you have left because you were so busy with them you let all your friendships slide) and then they move out.

Christie said...

Yes, I've noticed and it drives me crazy!

Polly said...

You always have such a funny way of describing the realities of motherhood. Having a sense of humor saves us all!

Megan said...

So true, so true! Motherhood can be so funny at times.

Bridget said...

Oh so true! especially that last one. I really need alone time when I sit at my laptop.

Wendi said...

Yes--Perfect description!

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