Plus, you know that traditional baptism shot of father and child looking pure and happy, all dressed in white? Sorry, didn't happen.
On the other hand...
You might be the favorite daughter if..
you are whisked away for a night on the town.
My story...past, present and future!
What's on your laundry list?
#2--Sister relationships are often complicated. How do you deal with rivalries, competition and jealousy? What are your secrets for getting along?
Robin: I don’t think we are typical sisters. We are all very different, and those differences could cause conflict. But we value our friendships highly and that makes it easy to put aside annoying differences, ignore any hurtful things (all of which are unintentional), and be generous in our judgment of each other.
Kristen: Mostly, we don't compete. Although, I am secretly jealous of all of my sisters, what with all their amazing talents, intelligence, beauty, social competencies, and generally excellent home decorating skills. I mostly just do what they tell me to (they can be pretty bossy - there is one who is the bossiest, but I won't say who).
Sally: We are very good friends and we sincerely appreciate each other. When we are together we never have fights, we never exchange insults or mean looks, there’s never been any shouting, rolling eyes or talking behind each other’s backs. I think we owe our parents for raising us in a loving home where we valued each other, but we also each deliberately make efforts to see the good in each other and invest in our relationships. My only concern about our family is that I hope our brother David doesn’t feel left out. He is an awesome brother in a family of sisters and he has been a strength to each of us sisters at different times, and a great and fun friend at all times.
Well, happily, I have driven past that quasi-salon on subsequent visits to Utah Valley and found it shut down. Surprise surprise! But, sometimes, I wish I could track down that stylist and introduce her to my four beautiful children and their delightful heads of hair.
Instead, today, I will share with all of you...
Jake has the best hair in the family, hands-down. Thick, blonde, cowlick-free. Of course, he shares none of my genetics, so I can brag without sounding vain. This week Jake got a flat-top and he is obsessed with it. He will do anything we ask if we promise to spike his hair afterward. Powerful parenting? Oh yes.Secondly:
Remember when you were a kid and you couldn't wait until Friday? Now, I am a mom and the weekends are looming large. So many places to be. On time. In Webelos uniform/with a wrapped gift/ready for team picture day. It's enough to make me pine for a Monday morning.
Just this month on the weekend calendar: a bridal shower (at my house), a Broadway musical, Emmie's baptism & confirmation (out of town company coming to stay), the school Daddy-Daughter Winter Carnival (Decorations Committee) and last but not least--the PINEWOOD DERBY! (Luckily, I am allowed no where near the car. Thank heavens for the mechanically-gifted men in my life.)
I am truly looking forward to each event. I chose to take each one on. But seeing them packed so tightly on the calendar is hyperventilating me. (Please don't be offended if you have been invited to any of the above activities. YOU are not stressing me out. It just helps to write my thoughts down and read them back to myself. Think of it as cheap therapy.)
My sister, Marta, made the cutest announcements for our favorite Valentine girl! Check them out here. If you need any cards, journals, gift-tags or other paperphernalia, go to martacards.com. She is quite amazing, if I do say so myself.
And, yes, I think we deserve a half-time cheer.
The problem with the whole month-long drama was that it completely distracted me from my two favorite January activities: deep-cleaning and dieting. I mean, usually, at this point in a new year, I have scoured my way through a whole mess o'closets and have already lost a few Christmas pounds--enough to fall off the wagon and make sugar cookies or something.
This week, I finally mustered the strength to face the filth in my pantry. It took three hours. By the time I had finished, the kids were watching unapproved tv and the whole house was trashed, but all 40 cans of Campbell's soup were lined up like perfect little soldiers and I remembered the sheer joy of creating order from chaos.
As for the dieting...still not feeling it, folks. Why does it have to be so hard? I exercise religiously. I spin, I lift, I run, I crunch. My blood pressure is low and my heart is strong. Still, I am more Build-a-Bear than Barbie as far as body types go. I know my eating could use some editing...but I don't want it to be a full-time job.
This is where I need your help, friends. Will you please write in with your favorite diet/healthy eating tip? Easy, cheap, and reality-based would be appreciated. And if you are one of those don't-hate-me-I-just-have-a-fast-metabolism types, you can send in your favorite home-organization idea. I need those too.
All participants' names will be dropped into my empty cookie jar and three winners randomly selected at week's end. A little gab-love will be sent just in time for Valentines Day. Thanks in advance for your participation. Swimsuit, here I come.