Friday, October 19, 2007

Another Great Read

I have a very dear friend named Karen. She and I met at a playgroup about 7 1/2 years ago. We have a lot in common. Our firstborn sons share the same name and a lot of the same challenges in life. Through the years, I have sometimes felt like Karen is one of the only people who understands my particular trials as a mother.

Karen and I get together at least once a month for dinner or dessert, saving our husbands thousands of dollars in therapy bills, as we share problems and solutions and lots of laughs..

Recently, Karen told me about Born on a Blue Day by Daniel Tammet. Tammet is an autistic savant (think Rainman) with Asperger's Syndrome who shares his story of growing up in a large family in London, dealing with his differentness and finding his place in the world.

This has been a fascinating look into an autistic mind. And although Tammet's story is very different than my child's, I appreciate the reminder that every mind is unique and that, to be effective in parenting, it is essential to try and see the world through your child's lenses once in a while. Two thumbs up!


Rochelleht said...

Oooh! Finally a book that I haven't read yet! :-)

That sounds really good. I'll add it to my list. Though Ethan doesn't have Autism, he has so many of the characteristics, that I am sure I would find this fascinating. Ethan has a certain obsession with numbers. He is not allowed to wear a watch anymore. He can't concentrate on anything else!

Aren't great friends the best??!! I just love a good girls night out.

Megan said...

Sounds like a great book. Good friends are so wonderful to have. They really do save us thousands of dollars in therapy bills.

Christie said...

That books sounds awesome. I'll be sure to pick it up!

Bridget said...

Sounds like a great read. And even better a great friend. So true that the costs of those desserts out are but a small fraction of the therapy that would otherwise be required without good girl friends.

Anonymous said...

As I've said many times before, Gabi, I am truly honored and blessed to have such a wonderful friend/shoulder to lean on/ ear to bend/therapist/and fellow Coca Cola lover (although I prefer regular to your Diet :)
I'm glad you enjoyed the book and I look forward to our next outing!
Love ya!

Paige said...

Now I have to google savant

Jessica said...

Just requested it at the library. I need two Mes...the reading me and the blogging me.

crystal said...

Do you have an autistic child? Have you talked to Mique? Her son is autistic & Mique is fabulous!

You probably know her (blogging makes for a very small world), but if you don't, tell her I sent ya! :)

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Do you know Mique?
Blogging is a small world isn't it?
I need to get my hands on this book.....

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