Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Check this out...

All you mini-van moms and wannabes...please watch this. Yes, it is my car, in case you were wondering!


Christie said...

It can't be your's my car (changed from a Honda Pilot to a van, of course). The one piece of detailing they forgot was vomit and/or a dirty diaper somewhere in the back.

That was freakin' HILARIOUS! Laughed my head off.

Anonymous said...


The only thing missing from the video was showing the husband's beautiful, immaculate ride. The "no car seats allowed" type of car that is never dirty inside or out. This car is locked in the garage so no 2 year olds can steal the altoids. Otherwise, the video reflects reality.

Travelin'Oma said...

Lucy rode in my egg the other day (I have new car seats in honor of the upcoming Twinsanity.) I had several carefully selected home-made CD's and we were listening to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" (Carly Simon), "You Are My Sunshine" and "Sing, Sing a Song" when Lucy said, "Oma, don't you have any real kid CDs, like Dora?"

Opa just showed me the new upholstery repair on his driver's seat....duct tape.

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