OK, so. We've been here for a week and a half now. Seeing the light at the end of the cardboard tunnel. And, I have to say, we're starting to feel at home.
There are a few questions we've heard a lot. Here they are; along with my honest replies.
How do you like the heat?
It is hot. But summer's hot everywhere and, let's face it, I'm not outside digging ditches or anything. We venture from one air conditioned place to another. Parking lots are brutal, I will admit.
Actually, the aridness (is that a word?) takes more getting used to than the heat. We are all parched all the time. My skin cries for lotion all day long. Little fingers are constantly exploring little noses because dry air creates interesting stalactites up there.
Have you seen any scorpions?
Brad, Jake and Em caught this one in our backyard with a blacklight. (Scorpions glow in the dark, did you know that? I didn't.) I'm trying not to think about its brothers and sisters scuttling around somewhere.

Well, the unpacking is 97% complete. The rooms are arranged and the closets are all organized. But the work has just begun. Next up: painting, picture hanging, furniture shopping and other activities guaranteed to drive my husband crazy.
How are the kids adjusting?
Pretty well, I think. They love the new house and adore their new rooms. The twins are sleeping solo and they dig it. Em has a "princess suite"--faraway from the boys, with her very own bathroom. Several mornings I have found her curled up in Luke's bed, but I'm sure she'll outgrow it.
The kids have been good sports. Very patient as I have dedicated mornings to organizing and unpacking. We do a few errands after lunch.
(Is there anything worse than shopping for table lamps with your mom at Home Goods? Yes! Returning table lamps with your mom at Home Goods the very next day.)
Afternoons we forget about the new house and pretend we are tourists in our new hometown.
Believe it or not, school starts NEXT WEEK here. I don't know who is dreading it more, the kids or me. Our summer has been anything but long and relaxing. Not sure I'm ready for homework, permission slips and packing lunches yet. But it'll be fun for them to meet friends and get into a routine. Gulp.
What do you like best about your new house?
Two words. Laundry room.
It is big and beautiful. Lots of storage. I'm going to paint it robin's egg blue and I might start sleeping in there.
What do you miss most?
Aside from all my dear friends, I really miss our big, green backyard most. Give me ticks over scorpions any day. Plus, my kids miss their trampoline. We have lots of landscaping to do.
What are your first impressions of your new town?
Friendly and wholesome. Family oriented. It feels like the country with lots of farms and open space. But there's a brand-new Nordstrom 10 minutes away. What more could a girl ask for?
We're gonna like it here.